Sunday, 28 April 2013


At the end of last term we got into groups and did some great's a wee bit of one groups one. Check out their amazing reading and sensational expression!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


This afternoon we used the Net Books and created these cool pictures.
I was excited to open my email and see that lots of people had saved and emailed their creations to
me. Here's a few....

Have a go at home...maybe you could try emailing your next Wild Self to someone in your family...Mum, Dad, Nana or a favourite Aunty or Uncle.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Words are like toothpaste.

After our class meeting about unkind words, Ruby and Felix squeezed all of the toothpase out of the tube.

It came out easily!
Even the last bit!

Putting it back in the tube.

Then Ms McVey asked us to put the toothpaste back in the tube.
"This is impossible!" said Cory.


Words are just like the tooth paste...once they come out of our mouths they can't be put back in.
THINK before you speak. USE KIND WORDS. :)

Sunday, 7 April 2013

CONGRATULATIONS to Eden and Felix's amazing Dads. They completed the 100km walk for Oxfam! 100KM...THAT IS A LONG LONG WAY! Inspiring. :) Watch the video to find out a bit more about the walk...sorry they are not in it. Felix and Eden, maybe you could email me a photo of your Dads (with their teams) that we could put on our blog.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Our hikoi up Hospital Hill

THANKS so much to the parents who joined us on our walk up Hospital Hill last week. It was great! I think we all got a very clear idea of how 'Our Place' has changed.