Monday 28 May 2012

Cool Flash Comments

I love this story that Keira wrote. :)

Whats happening outside our Room?

You may have seen all the diggers and piles of dirt and stones outside our back door. We've been wondering what was going on! Mr Hunter told us that they were fixing the flood wall but we wanted a closer look ourselves. I asked the man in charge and he let us sneak through the hall and down to the fence. It's major! Have a look at these pictures. Kids...tell Mum and Dad what's happening. I can tell from the amazing pictures you did that you understand!

Wednesday 23 May 2012


I loved it how you all had your heads down straight away at writing time today! :) Awesome! I'll put some of your writing on our blog over the weekend.

A great Wednesday!

Here's a few pictures to show you some of the great things that happened in Room 20 yesterday!

The photos show....Kyle and Olivia playing BUZZ...Olivia was the CHAMPION!
Paige and Taylor worked together to edit their amazing writing and we all got better at saving files and inserting pictures when we were on the computer.
I'm glad there's no photo of my efforts when we played "Farmer, farmer!!!"

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

We hope all of you wonderful Mums had a GREAT day on Sunday!
You are appreciated!!!!! :)


Parents, Aunties, Grandparents...its easy to make a comment on our blog now! You don't need to have a GOOGLE account. Just click on the comment link and tell us what you think of the great things your kids are doing! Sue :)

Check out these photos of the gym festival.


Monday 14 May 2012


Way to go Room 20 Gymnasts. You were PHENOMENAL today!
I was very proud of you all! :)


Remember the link for Study Ladder is just on the right of this page. To do your homework on the link and then put your login and password in. You'll see the activities I have set you along the top of your page. If you have time, go to the GAMES page and try some of the maths games out. There are some good ones that will you get faster at your basic facts.
email me to let me know how you do.

THANKS everyone...we had another phenomenal Monday!

Ms McVey:)

Wednesday 9 May 2012


We did these amazing leaf pictures when we went to Mrs G's new art room.
They look so bright and colourful!

Finger Knitting Circle!

Mila told us she was good at finger knitting so guess what? She showed us how to do it! It was the perfect way to keep busy on a dreary, wet Wednesday lunchtime. THANKS MILA! :)


Sorry about the lack of blogs so far this term. I think that loading the photos of you all doing jobs at home somehow messed up the settings. I've had to delete that post...sorry!
Ms McVey